Minggu, 04 September 2011

Makanan pembuka (Appetizers/Side dishes)

Rempeyek Kacang

Rempeyek Kacang
Method category: Fried / Stir Fried (Goreng)
Ingredients/ Bahan:
Oil for frying (Minyak goreng)
150gr Peanuts (Kacang tanah)
4 cups Rice flour (Tepung beras)
4 Kaffir lime leaves (Daun jeruk purut) chopped finely
375 ml Coconut milk (Santan)

4 Candlenut, sauteed (Kemiri, sangrai)
6 Shallots (Bawang merah)
4 cloves Garlics (Bawang putih)
1/2 tsp Coriander seed (Ketumbar)
4 tsp Salt (Garam)

Directions/Cara membuat:
1. Mix the flour and coconut milk until a bit runny.
2. Put in the spices, peanuts and kaffir lime leaves, mix until even.
3. Heat oil in a wok, put some of the mixture using tablespoon on to the edges of the wok.
4. Fried until it turn golden brown.

1. Campur tepung dan santan sampai agak encer.
2. Masukkan bumbu halus, kacang dan daun jeruk purut, aduk sampai rata.
3. Panaskan minyak, tuang adonan dengan sendok makan melebar di pinggiran wajan.
4. Goreng hingga kecoklatan.


400gr Mince Pork (daging sapi cacah)
250gr Mince Prawn (Udang cacah)
2 tsp Sugar (Gula)
1 tsp White Pepper(merica putih)
4 tbsp Japanese Soy Sauce (Kecap asin)
1  Egg (Telur)
5 Spring onion chopped (daun bawang iris)
60 pcs Gow Gee wrapper (kulit Gyoza)
2 tbsp Sake (Arak Jepang)
1 tbsp Tapioca Flour (Tepung kanji)
3 tbsp Corn flour (Tepung Maizena)
3 tsp Sesame oil (Minyak wijen)
4 tbsp Peanut oil (Minyak kacang)
5-6 pieces Fishball (Bakwan ikan)--Or you could use 3 tbsp Fish paste

Directions/Cara membuat:
  • Mix pork, prawn, sauce, sugar, sake, egg, flour, spring onion in a large bowl. Refrigerate for approximately 1 hour.
  • Wrap in the gow gee wrapper, pleated on one side (see picture on top).
  • Steam/boil in a pan with little bit boiling water(the water level just cover the base of the gyoza), covered the pan for 5 minutes.
  • Drain, pan-fried with little bit oil till golden. Sauce:
Mix Rice vinegar, Soy sauce and chopped ginger.

  • Campur daging sapi, udang, saus, gula, sake, telur, tepung, daun bawang dalam mangkuk besar. Simpan di kulkas selama kira2 1 jam.
  • Bungkus dengan kulit Gyoza, di lipat2 pada satu bagian sisinya (liat gambar di atas)
  • Rebus dengan sedikit air setinggi dasar Gyoza selama 5 menit tertutup. Kemudian buang sisa air, goreng dengan sedikit minyak sampai beberapa bagian kecoklatan.Saus:
  Campur kecap asin, jahe parut dan cuka beras.

Kroket Kentang
Method category: Fried (Goreng)
Ingredients/ Bahan:
6 Potato(kentang)
2 Eggs (telur)
   Pepper (Merica)
   Nutmeg (Pala)
   Salt (Garam)
   Sugar (Gula)
   Oil ( Minyak untuk menggoreng)
2 Carrots (Wortel)
1 Breast Fillet (Dada ayam)
2 tbsp Plain Flour (Tepung terigu)
100 ml Milk (Susu)
   Bread crumbs (Tepung roti)
   Garlic (Bawang putih)
   Bean thread vermicelli (su-un)
Directions/Cara membuat:
1. Chop garlic finely, saute in oil and add in the chicken and carrots which already chopped into small cubes (5mmx5mm). Add vermicelli which has been soak with warm water until soft and drained. Stir well.
2. Add salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg stir till even.
3. Add plain flour which already diluted with milk, stir till thicken and cooked. Set aside
4. Slice the potato horisontally and fried it. Mashed the fried potato, mixed with nutmeg, salt, pepper, and sugar and set aside until cool.
5. Add one egg into the mashed potato, mix it and make a ball.
6. Flatten each ball and fill it with the ragout (chicken and carrots mix). Close it and make it like a bullet.
7. Dip it into egg white and roll it onto a bed of bread crumbs. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours until it set.
8. Deep fried the croquettes until golden brown and served with mustard pickle.
1.Wortel di potong kotak2 kecil2, ayam juga dipotong kotak2 kecil.
2.Grengseng bawang putih yang sudah di potong halus, dengan sedikit minyak, masukkan ayam aduk sampai matang. Masukkan wortel aduk sampai matang.
3.Tambahkan 1 sdt garam, 1sdt gula, 1/2 sdt merica, 1/2 sdt pala aduk rata.
4. Masukkan suun, susu + tepung terigu yang sudah di aduk rata, aduk2 semua sampai mengental dan mendidih, sisihkan.
5. Kentang diiris2 setebal 1 cm melintang, digoreng lalu di haluskan, beri 1 sdt garam, 1 sdt gula, 1/2 sdt merica, 1 sdt pala. Dinginkan.
6. Setelah dingin, campurkan 1 telur utuh ke kentang halus tadi, aduk rata, bulat2...kemudian pipihkan...isi dengan ragout yang disisihkan tadi. Pulung2, lalu celupkan ke dalam putih telur, gulingkan di atas tepung roti, sisihkan/ditaruh di kulkas dulu 1-2 jam supaya set.
7. Goreng dengan minyak panas sampai kecoklatan. Sajikan dengan saus mustard.


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